Oil dark spots
Erica maceration oil in apricot kernel oil.
Allows you to lighten the dark spots of the skin.
Oil dark spots
50 ml € 15,00
Erica maceration oil in apricot kernel oil. Allows you to lighten the dark spots of the skin.
Ingredients :
Apricot kernel vegetable oil prunus armenica
Erica maceration oil erica
0E Lemon citrus limon
0E Rosemary rosmarinus officinalis
Rosemary extract héliantus annus, rosmarinus officinalis
Product 100% natural
How to use: only at night and far from exposures to light.
My opinion: I got some dark spots on my right knee from a bad burn by waxing some months ago. I tried several commercial products to lighten these spots but I have noticed just small improvements. I’vee been using the anti-oil stains Sydella Laboratoire en Provencere for more than a month consistently, every night before going to sleept and my spots are greatly reduced. This product contains all-natural ingredients, such as: – The hazelnut oil apricot from the action elasticity, emollient and protective; the heather with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. – The essential oil of lemon with excellent antiseptic, purifying and lightening properties; – The essential oil of rosemary, with ‘astringent, purifying and toning property. Among the ingredients we also find the rosemary extract , which is especially good for its being healing, antimicrobial, astirigenti and purifying. It has a delicious fragrance, easily applying and it’s easily absorbed. Remember to apply before going to sleep and during the day: besides, it’s better to protect darks spots from sunlight using an anti-UV protecion. As I told you noticed great improvements, and i’m quite sure that if i will continue using this product with consistency my skin will certanly thank me.
web site: http://ps13.dev-ds.com/it/
page facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/SYDELLA-Laboratoire/160595324043559?fref=ts
Mariafrancesca - Administrator of the blog :comeesseresanieinforma.altervista.org
Anti-dark spot oil
As you know, I have marks on my legs due to the squeezing of ingrown hairs, so I wanted to try products that attenuassero them to me. Already from this site, I had tried another regenerating oil stains and scars, which to be honest has worked. Within a short time the spots were lightened a bit. But, I, hard-headed I wanted to accelerate a little time and I took other products including this oil.
First has a delicate Lavender scent, bearable by everyone as it is almost odorless.
As regards effectiveness, is SUPER effective, like all branded products sydella,